Rapid Command Selection on Multi-Touch Tablets with Single-Handed HandMark Menus


Fast command selection is important for touch devices, but there are few techniques that allow accelerated selection while still providing a large command set. HandMark menus [25] propose the use of the hands as landmarks for fast memory-based selection. However, the original HandMark menus rely on bimanual operation, and earlier studies provided only limited evidence for the value of hand-based landmarks as a reference frame for spatial memory. In this paper we address these limitations. We introduce adapted HandMark menus that can be operated with one hand (while the other hand holds the tablet); the new version changes bimanual selection operations into sequential actions with one hand. We carried out three studies of these HandMark menus. The first study showed that the adapted menus still allowed fast performance and the development of spatial memory, even with one-handed use. The second study focused on the value of hands as landmarks, by comparing HandMark menus against a hidden popup menu. This study showed that using the hand as a reference frame significantly improved performance, and was strongly preferred by participants. Our work extends HandMark menus and shows that they are an effective selection method for tablets, and provides new evidence about the value of the hands as a spatial landmark for interaction.

Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, ISS 2016. 205-214.
Md. Sami Uddin
PhD Candidate

The Interaction Lab, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Dr. Carl Gutwin

The Interaction Lab, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.